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May 7, 2010, 8:48 p.m.

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Pursuit 1999 Dodge Ram Sport - "United States Police" edition.

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Pursuit 1999 Dodge Ram Sport - "United States Police" edition.

8th May 2010

Updated by Quentin Christensen

Ok, first of all, I want to state that the original 1998 Dodge Ram model was created by Trevor Lennox, then edited by Grunt of the now closed site "Pursuit Inc" into a pursuit 1999 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Dodge Ram, and I take no credit for their work. What I have done, is:

- Added a substantial damage model.
- Tweaked the performance.
- Added a convertable tonneau cover (Pickup bed cover)
- Added the dash from the Pursuit Camaro
- Changed the cop art from an RCMP mountie to a more generic policeman.
- Created new skins for the car in different pursuit liveries.

NEW: I've now also added an optional second policeman as a passenger, enabled when the vehicle's lights are turned on (If you have any of the v1.0 versions of this car with different skins, you can download this and copy the car.fce into your existing model and that will update it).

This version has the following United States police liveries:

- Californian Highway Patrol (Car00)
- Alaskan State Troopers (UK)
- NYPD (Fran)
- Butler County Ohio Sheriff (Germ)
- Las Angeles Sheriff (Aus)

I wanted a low poly pursuit ute (pickup) with damage, and used Grunt's as a base to experiment and add my own damage to - I then changed the skin to an Iraqi Police skin, and added several varieties for the different country tracks (although there is an aus.tga file in there, I've never found a track it works on, and I have the Australian version of the game, if anyone knows how to edit a track's country, please let me know!). I then added the other features above to give the vehicle just about every NFS4 feature (except upgrades).

I hope you enjoy, and look forward to receiving your feedback, particularly on the damage model, as this is the first time I've tried editing something like this!


Quentin Christensen (OgO)


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